Obviously the answer is yes! If someone else can do it, you can too! But Ran, it's a sellers market and every listing is sold at a bidding war over asking...how can I get more of these listings if there's a shortage of inventory? Well my friends, someone is getting those listings, the ones you end up showing to your buyers, right? In any market there are agents who take listings, and then, everyone else! Anyone can take a buyer, show them some houses and write up an offer. It's simple and requires almost no skills. And that's why everyone does it. It's easy to do! Getting listings on the other hand is a different story. To get them listings one must possess some skills, market knowledge, hands on experience, prospecting skills, an ability to handle objections over the phone and book listing appointments, being consistent, being able to conduct a professional listing presentation, keep going forward when the going is hard, marketing skills, organizational skills, and the most important of all: Selling skills. It takes more commitment and focus to become a listing agent, and it takes a lot more time to become a successful listing agent. That's why very few do it successfully. At the peak of my career I was getting 10-15 listings per month. When I was doing it, it was during a strong sellers market. So obviously its hard for me to buy into the excuses agents sell themselves that it's impossible to get listings "nowadays". That's BS. I understood from the beginning that being a listing agent is what I needed to do and I invested a lot of time and money to make sure I get it done. And it wasn't easy. There are 2 ways to become a successful listing agent (what I call a "listing machine"): The Passive Approach. Waiting for sellers to call you, this is what we call the "lucky me call" from a past client or close family member who says: "Hi Ran, we decided to sell the house we bought from you 2 years ago, can you help us with that?". Agents who sit and wait for people to call them normally don't get many listings. I often hear agents complain that one of their "friends" gave a listing to a competitor and they get all worked up about it. When I ask them: "When was the last time you spoke to the seller?" they say: "It's been a while". So why would you get mad if the seller gave the listing to someone else who obviously did the job of following up and prospecting this seller? I don't get it. Why people feel they deserve a listing when they don't do anything to deserve it? Feeling entitled to something is a good enough reason for you to fail. You should never feel entitled to anything unless you work your butt off to get it. Especially getting listings and earning high commissions (you can earn 6% on every house you sell). The next approach is the active approach. That is where you want to be if you wish to become a listing machine. The Active Approach. Agents who follow the active approach hustle everyday, and I mean hustle! If you follow an active approach to get listings you must follow an active schedule. An active schedule includes prospecting (and a lot of it), prospecting is conversing with people about real estate, deliberately! Meaning you are calling or visiting people to talk about real estate. Another super important activity is lead follow up, actually following up on leads you create. You should call leads 13 times before dropping them. Trying to get listing appointment over and over and over again. To be successful at it you must focus on improving your skills, I am talking about your communication skills and handling objections, and selling skills. You must put yourself in situations where you converse with property owners daily! Calling people, FSBO's, Expired listings (but Ran, we don't have expired listings right now), center of influence, past clients, farming (which includes door knocking, yes knocking on cold doors), you must consistently mail postcards (every 2 weeks) to everyone in your farm, including your sphere (your database), btw the best postcard is JUST SOLD cards. In addition, you'll need to market your brand heavily on social media (or even better, hire someone to do it for you), put out some cool entertainment and short videos out there, not just real estate related, make it fun, make it fun to watch and fun to share. Send a free market analysis to everyone in your database and do it twice a year (don't wait for them to ask for it, just do it). Be and act like the top agent that you wish to become. Do it now. Fake it if you must. and you must. That's why you book yourself to role-play with a partner, DAILY, this can quickly help you improve your phone skills, and your negotiating skills, and your booking listing appointments skills. It takes dedication to do all that it takes to become a listing machine. But remember, there's plenty of room at the top. The grind is what makes people stop trying. People hate to work hard, they hate to do something they don't like, aka prospecting, aka selling. Most people are repelled by the word prospecting. They don't want to talk about it, they hate it. Which is why they end up working buyers and complaining about losing their bids. And since they hate selling, they don't get to sell much. And since most people want to do something they like, or as I hear often: "I want to do what I love", therefore very small percentage of agents actually go on grinding until they win, and then they win again, and again, until they get to climb up to thee top of your market. And once they do, everyone else in their market is working for them, showing their listings. And that brings us back to you my friends. Which agent do you choose to be? What your days look like? How organized are you? Do you follow a plan? Is the plan working? Are you getting results? Are you improving? I invite you to reach out and ask for help. I can help you. That's what I do best, helping real estate agents to become a listing machine. Email me when you're ready! and I mean really ready to become a listing machine. My email is ran@ranbiderman.com
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